Thursday, September 27, 2007


Mission accomplished. Results on the right. Instructions were OK , but if I hadn't known how to cut and paste by now I doubt if I would have got this far. (What about right click? It is easier than the suggestions I think.)
I searched for some of my areas of interest and found some useful sites but identifying them would identify me and I'm sure you have realised by now that I am a privanoid - a lovely word coined by a fellow participant. I'm sure it was meant in a derogatory sense but it is a label I'm happy to wear.


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Rollyo accomplished...welll done


RowdyLibrarian said...

Hi Pickwick,
I do share your concerns with privacy. However so much of our information is online now, I've sort of given up and thrown myself on the kindness of strangers.

I like your blog - it's good to see that other people are also finding that not all of the toys are useful.